A workforce reflective of the populace.

In 2017, I took a look at the industry I had strived to be a part of and realised how rarely I saw someone who looked like, spoke like and had similar experiences or frame of references to me. This realisation, coupled with conversations I had with those who existed in the industry, that looked like me, led to the founding of socialfixt.

The goal at this initial stage was to ensure that people were made aware of entry-level job roles that existed across a range of skill sets within the creative industry. I thought then the problem was solely awareness of job roles - I have since learned that while this is one issue there are many.

While I would love for socialfixt to tackle all employment issues when it comes to the bame community, I am aware that this is impossible. We are therefore focusing on tackling bias and ensuring our community sees the best of entry level jobs across a range of creative industry sectors.

In having the large online community we have created in just under two years, we already tackle the idea that there are not enough young bame people seeking these roles - an idea that has floated around for far too long. By further creating the #thefixtseries we are equipping people with the skills to ace not just their cv but their interviews which debunks the myth of an under qualified young workforce.




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